Turning Campaign Songs Into Images! Episode Six: The Election of 1924!

That's right! I'm bringing back this series! Anyways, welcome to 100 years ago! Warren G. Harding had an awful term as President, a matter-of-fact, he fuckin' died! In I think 1922 or 1923, the Harding Administration let a bunch o' oil companies bought some very oil-rich government land. This was so damaging to Harding's rep, he decided to take a train ride to Alaska, in order to clear his mind. On the way back, he died on the train. Now, Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge was the President, and now he was running for re-election. Overall, the Election of '24 was really nothing significant. The two candidates were virtually the exact same people. Except for Robert "Fighting Bob" LaFollette. But he was third party. There was virtually no way for him to win. Here's the song: https://youtu.be/Hup6Ir87IuQ?si=cYiFpJfWAXn5gPfc Prompt: In a quaint New England farmhouse on an early summer’s day, A farmer’s boy became our Chief in a homely simple way, With neither pomp nor pageantry, he firmly met the task, To keep him on that job of his, is all the people ask. So “Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge” is the slogan of the day, “Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge” for the good old U.S.A. A lot of politicians cannot do a thing but knock, But Calvin Coolidge is a man of action and not talk. So just “Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge” in the White House four years more, We have a chance to do it in this year of twenty-four, He’s been tried, he’s never wanting, He is giving of his best, So “Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge” in our country’s mighty test. With a private life of virtue, and a public record clean, He stands upon the summit with a countenance serene. Defender of the righteous, and a juggernaut two rung, We’ll make him stay in Washington a hundred million strong So “Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge” is the slogan of the day, “Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge” for the good old U.S.A. A lot of politicians cannot do a thing but knock But Calvin Coolidge is a man of action and not talk!
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