Sandworm vs Goblins

Valdis lead the goblins to where the sandworm collapsed the tunnels and sang as loud as she could. The goblins snarled and slavered at her, but kept their distance as long as she sang. Valdis wasn't sure how long she would have to keep this up, before her voice gave out but fortunately she could feel the rumbling of the sand again. The big worm wanted revenge for getting set on fire. The goblins seemed fearful of the tremors but were still entranced by the music. Finally, Valdis waited for the vibrations to right on her before diving out of their way. The Sandworm burst through the debris with renewed fury and smashed right into the goblin hordes, happily munching all in its path. Some of the goblins scattered back into the city, while the rest fled any which way they could. Valdis didn't stick around to see who would win as she slipped back into the ruins to rescue Pointe ( and get as much loot as possible)
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