Good morning

Prompt: ([correct anatomy, anatomically correct, perfect anatomy, petite, short_torso:pretty face:0.8]), [yuki_miku, stunning scene, perfect composition, aesthetic, retro_futurist, garden, a kind woman sits in a garden filled with metallic flowers and crystal butterflies, glowing orbs float gently in the air, casting a soft light, the fragrant air fills her senses, bringing a sense of serenity, she sits peacefully, appreciating the beauty around her, feeling a deep sense of peace, the soft lavender color of her shiny blouse complements the futuristic skirt she wears, adding to the tranquil atmosphere of the morning scene:(masterpiece, ultra_sharp), radiant woman:0.6], ([close-up, round_iris, blue_eyes, eye_focus:crispy_crystal_blue_eyes, perfect_iris, wide_eyes, vibrant_eyes:0.8]), 1girl, solo, [admiring, appreciation, seated, looking_away, openness:peace, feminine_expression, adorable_blissful_expression:0.8], realistic_blue_hair, long_hair, twintails, very_long_hair, hair_ornament, eyelashes, mascara, eyeliner, sparking_blue_eyes, parted lips, smile, toned_skin, soft_skin, detailed skin, flawless_skin, shine_skin, perfect_breasts, round_breasts, detailed_outfit, a shiny blouse, a futuristic skirt, small waist, wide hips, thighs, [serenity, crystal butterflies, fragrant air, soft lavender, metallic flowers, morning, arms_behind_back, hands_behind, arms_at_sides, snowflakes:aesthetic, dreamy, calm, backlit, glowing aura, fireflies:0.8], sfw, [:, <lora:beautiful_detailed_eyes:0.4>:0.6] Model: Break Dro v1
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