The sea journey back to Yamato. Chapter 2. A sad song across the sea. (Tenkabito Monogatari II Interlude)

<<And the days passed in tranquillity aboard of Freedom's Soul, following the rules of the sea and the orders of Captain Lucy. And one night Lune put out his lute and started singing. And he sang of the anguish of his heart and the hope in his soul. "That guy's skill is amazing. I bet his chant would spell even a siren... yet how much sadness in his voice..." Said Lucy to Selena. "Do not be fooled by his pretty voice Mistress. I don't trust that half lizard. He serves a demonic Master... Who’s to say it’s not a trap?" "Relax about this" Said Lucy patting Selena's head "First. As far as I know the Oda chief is not so vile to resort to certain tricks. Second. If I was wrong... Well they'll have a very big and very angry dragon to deal with in Owari". And the Oni girl seemed reassured by the word of her Lady. Yet she could not still enjoy the song of the half lizard. At last not completely. "Hmpf..." She said "I must admit that... he sings not too bad for a ballast..." But Lucy did not answer. She was testing the air with her fine nose... And the air said her... "Typhoon..." Se murmured. And then she shouted "Typhoon incoming! All heads prepare yourselves!">>
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